Saturday, August 8, 2009

Well, I finally made it out to take some pictures, after a long miserable time being sick... Allergies, or the black plague... who knows?

Regardless of the illness, I ran down by the rubber processing plant at Caterpillar and took a few shots there. Next on the list was an area that is by the Peoria River Terminal. After processing, I came up with these pictures.

This was kind of a last minute location. I was driving back to my apartment, when I decided to check out the old Bemis plant. I did not get the chance to take many pictures, thanks to the security patrol. The guard was a very pleasant older gentleman that informed me that I was on private property that is now under ownership of "IVEX" & "O'Brien Steel".

Anyway, he was nice, and I was more than happy to oblige the guy and leave. There was soooooooo much more I wanted to shoot, but I like having a clean police record. There will always be another time...

1 comment:

  1. The pics from the Bemis plant are awesome. They would be cooler if you could enlarge them though.
    I really dig the one of the old sign laying against the building.
